Case Studies & Experience
Damian is a Level 3 Safeguarding trainer who has delivered safeguarding support to voluntary sector groups in Wiltshire for 20 years. He was previously a manager of Howdenhall Young People’s Secure Unit in Edinburgh and for the last 3 years was the national safeguarding lead for the Nature Friendly Schools programme, advising on all safeguarding policy and practice, delivering training to partner organisations and co-ordinating monthly virtual safeguarding forums. He developed themed drop in sessions for practitioners at all levels across the programme which enabled non-judgemental reflection on practice and offered the chance for participants to raise questions, concerns and share their experience.
‘Thank you for creating such a safe and positive space for us.’ Head of Safeguarding - Groundworks UK
Codesign, voice and influence
Damian developed and managed the Voice and Influence Team within Wiltshire Council for 8 years. In that time the Team was graded Outstanding twice by Ofsted during inspections of both the Youth Service and Children’s Services. He oversaw the development of the Children in Care Council, Wiltshire Young People’s Disabled Forum, Wiltshire Assembly of Youth and the UK Youth Parliament.
Case Study: Wiltshire Council wanted to understand children and young people’s experience of the care system within the county with a view to improving this experience where possible. Working with the Children in Care Council, Damian designed an engagement and listening strategy which incorporated one to one interviews, online surveys, small group discussions and open feedback. Core themes were explored and all the feedback was collated , resulting in a report with key findings and recommendations for changes to practice across the Children and Families social work teams. The report and findings were fed back to all the children and young people who took part and they were updated about the changes which took place. The report was shared at the national Children and Young People Now social work conference where Damian was a key speaker.
business development for the voluntary sector
Case Study: Wiltshire Wildlife Trust Education Team
When Damian started working at Wiltshire Wildlife Trust the education team consisted of 4 sessional staff who undertook site visits and workshops for schools. The quality of provision was inconsistent with most activity taking place between May and July and little income beyond this. Damian undertook a review of all activity, analysed income and cash flow and undertook a market review. He then restructured the team, worked with them to produce new marketing material and diversified the education offer based on need and a staff skills audit. This led to new activities including forest school based alternative education, small group work and new curriculum based workshops. New staff were employed on variable hours contracts and as the business grew, these staff were made permanent. The education team now consists of a team manager, 3 assistant managers and staff team of over 30 with an annual income in excess of £400,000.